About the Project
After months of research Graham Horne, owner of the One Salon in Stony Stratford, Milton Keynes made the decision to upgrade his lighting from 50-watt halogen bulbs to energy efficient LED lighting. This decision was forced due to rising energy prices, the inefficiency of halogen bulbs and the cost of having to buy 2-3 replacements every week! A reduction in the salon’s energy costs had become essential.
The Solution
During the Autumn of 2010 Graham made several enquiries to wholesalers, eBay merchants and a number of local suppliers only to discover that the bulbs on offer were inadequate and expensive. After searching online Graham discovered SimplyLED.co.uk an online retailer based in Milton Keynes. After an initial meeting with Director Jon Burton, Graham was confident that high quality LED lighting could be delivered at an affordable price and with a lumen output equivalent to a 50-watt halogen. Impressed with the quality of SimplyLED’s bulbs, their affordability and the customer service he had received, Graham placed the One Salon’s order straight away and installed his 6-watt GU10 LED light bulbs the next day.
In November 2012 SimplyLED revisited the One Salon to catch up with Graham and hear about the positive impact his LED lighting has had on the business, his staff and most importantly his customers.
Before the upgrade the One Salon was running 75 energy inefficient 50-watt halogen light bulbs for 10 hours per day. This resulted in a lot of excess heat, energy and expense for the salon. By upgrading to LED lighting the One Salon has noticed a significant decrease in their annual lighting bill and if we run the salon’s data through the SimplyLED Energy Saving Calculator the savings that have been made are very impressive! £1,602 per year and £25,632 over the lifetime of the bulbs. This more than covers the initial investment in LED lighting and frees up more cash for the salon to invest in other areas of the business.
The positive effect of the upgrade has been felt in other areas of the business too. During the summer months when temperatures in the UK rise the One Salon have noticed that their salon is much cooler; resulting in a more comfortable environment for their staff and customers. This is because LED light bulbs run cool and due to their efficiency only expend 10% of their energy on heat. This keeps the salon cool, keeps productivity high and removes the need for air conditioning units – saving even more energy!

In fact Graham has been so impressed with the positive impact that this switch to LED lighting has had on his business that he has recently upgraded his LED light bulbs to the SimplyLED NxtGen Series II range. Through technological advancements SimplyLED have been able to deliver a superior GU10 LED, consuming only 5-watts of electricity, whilst delivering a superb lumen output. The result of this upgrade is that the One Salon have managed to reduce their total energy consumption by an additional 75-watts, saving even more on their energy bills.
Due to the technical nature of the work we carry out, particularly on colouring, extensions and wedding hair, the highest quality in lighting is essential. The NxtGen Series II bulbs that we now use in our salon deliver this. – Graham Horne, Co-Owner
What of the original LED light bulbs? Aren’t they meant to last for 15 years? We asked Graham if he’d be recycling these and his response was that they still function as well as they did the day he purchased them – as a result he’ll be using them to reduce his home lighting bills.
SimplyLED.co.uk are committed to helping salons in the United Kingdom reduce their energy bills. If you’re interested in saving money on your lighting bills and would like to brighten up your salon with the latest in LED lighting technology then we’d love to hear from you.
Date: January 21, 2013
Tags: studies
Learn how the One Salon in Stony Stratford saved over £1,600 a year by upgrading to energy-efficient LED lighting, resulting in a more comfortable environment for staff and customers.