New year, new you and like many people in the UK you might be thinking of ways you can save both money and the environment.

Solar Panels could be a great way of achieving both of these things!

Make money

To boost income, one thing homeowners can do is invest in solar panels, which offer an eight to 12% return on investment (ROI), higher than your high street bank.

According to the Energy Saving Trust’s calculator a household who would normally spend about £35 a month on bills, can look to save / make just under £391 a year by not paying for energy and payment from the Government.

We may think fossil fuels are cheaper than renewable sources but, as it has only been too apparent this winter, they are becoming more and more expensive, whereas the cost of renewables are dropping.

And while it is true a module and installation can cost more than £4,000, over its lifetime (about 25 years) the panel will save and make you about just under £8,000.

See how much you could save by clicking here.

Help the environment

Not only are you avoiding spending hard earned cash on energy bills, you are also helping the UK cut its carbon emissions.

This means there is less air pollution, and less damage to the environment.

Create a secure energy supply

Coal and oil take millions of years to form, and there is not an endless supply. To ensure a secure future for the next generation and the generation after that we need to find another way to power our country safely and reliably.

Renewable energy does this, and the sun and wind don’t run out!

How does the Feed-in-Tariff work?

Feed-in-Tariff explained:

The Feed-in-tariff is a government scheme that helps you (or your company) save money in three ways if you generate your own energy.

  • Firstly, you save money by not paying electricity bills, because you have created your own energy.
  • Secondly the energy company will pay a generation tariff (7.1p per kWh), which is a small sum paid per kW whether the energy is used by you or not.
  • Thirdly the energy company will then pay you an export tariff of 4.5p after per kW for all energy not used that they can than export back to their grid.

This article was written by Lima Curtis who writes about matters of energy, the environment and business for many publications and sites including You can follow her on Twitter @limalovesnews

Date: February 13, 2013

Tags: environmental Seasonal technology

To boost income, one thing homeowners can do is invest in solar panels, which offer an eight to 12% return on investment (ROI), higher than your high street bank.

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