Indoor plants have long been used in interior design. Aspidistras were the most popular house plant in Victorian times. Today a range of both traditional and exotic plants grace our homes and offices.

House plants are not just decorative though. They help improve the air quality by removing pollutants. Did you know NASA conducted a comprehensive study to find out how plants could improve air quality in its space stations?

Feng Shui devotees will know indoor plants emit energy and encourage a positive chi throughout the house.

Apart from the health benefits, most people choose house plants for their looks and their design effect. Plants need light of course, and natural light is best to encourage growth. But adding some accent lighting can turn the humble house plant into a striking design feature.

In the past, lighting plants wasn’t easy. Heat from the bulbs would damage the foliage and could be a potential fire risk. Lights had to be placed away from the plant itself, minimising the effect. LED light bulbs have transformed the way we can light our house plants today. Using lighting with LED light bulbs means you can shine light through the leaves without harming the plant, and create interesting combinations of light and shadow.

LED ‘string’ lights can be safely entwined through leaves to create a fairy tale effect. Try illuminating large plants from underneath with spotlights fitted with GU10 LEDs for a really dramatic effect.

Plants are essential to the survival of the planet. Introduce them to your home, add some LED lighting and you’ll be amazed at the difference.

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